Do you go to church on Sunday? That's great, you should worship and fellowship to strenghen your knowledge and personal relationship with God and our Lord Jesus Christ through The Holy Spirit, but what does the Bible say the is true Sabbath day and what is a day? The Bible very cleary answers these questions. The book of Genisis chapter 1 God defines a day, not only once, but six times from verse 1 through 31. "And the evening and the morning were the first day". So according to the Bible each day starts at evening.
What is the true Sabbath Day according to Bible scripture? One place to look for this answer is here Counterfeit-Sabbath---Part-1 and continues here Counterfeit-Sabbath---Part-2 This site also includes a video to watch.
How,why and who changed God's Sabbath? That will be the topic of an upcoming post.