
Many people wonder why we write about the UFO phenomenon. Isn’t it just a ‘side issue’? But in fact, it’s so important to oppose this particular belief, because ET belief is quickly becoming the world’s most scientifically acceptable false religion and a major stumbling block to Christianity.


Tomorrow's World | www.tomorrowsworld.org

This program takes a further in-depth look at the activities of Jesus Christ’s earliest disciples, who brought the Gospel of the Kingdom of God across Europe and to the British Isles, reaching the “Lost” Ten Tribes of Israel and also many scattered Jewish communities across the Diaspora. The often-neglected details of early Church history shed vital light on the very mission of Jesus Christ!

Tomorrow's World | www.tomorrowsworld.org

" Faith In History "

Here is an eye opening video that brings to light what our fore fathers and others said about tyranny. The facts presented in this video is prophetic in it's content about our present times. This is not only a must watch, I would suggest that you share it with those who support the liberal progressive left. Then ask them if it sheds any light on the agenda of the current administration. The history of Christianty if often left out in the education of Americans, this fills in the things that schools fail to teach.
" Faith In History "